Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 140 - 145

Hello dear friends.  I am very excited to share this news with you guys, first and foremost I would like to send a huge CONGRATULATIONS to my dear friend and bridesmaid, Sonya!!  She was proposed to about two weeks ago and happily accepted Tony's proposal!  I am so happy for both of them and I cannot wait to see what they are planning!  Sonya will be an amazing DIY Bride, since she is so creative and artistic, I am so excited for them!!
The second exciting news is that, I have officially set up our Wedding Website!  I had been planning on doing this for a while and it is still in some stages, but it is up and working!  So please check out and let me know what you think!  Please feel free to give me any ideas on how to spruce it up some!  =)

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