Thursday, July 23, 2009

Days 415-430

We are t-minus 2 days!!! I thought I would be able to blog more but I am realizing real fast that there are so many last minute little details. Then to add to it, you should also plan for those unexpected things to go wrong. From my mom's dress being altered the wrong way all together, to a family member being in an accident. We are surviving it all. I think the best thing is to remember that you cannot control everything, but it is all going to work out in the end!
Today is going to be a very busy day, with us heading back to Austin one last time to pick up my wedding dress, our gift bags for our out-of-town guests, and any other little thing we need!
Cannot believe how close it is!!! :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Days 408 - 415

I cannot believe all the little details we still have to tie together. It has been a very busy week for us and last week was no exception. We have met with our photographer, dj, florist, ceremony site, priest, and wedding planner all within the past 7 days. I am amazed at all we have done, but also what is still left to do.
The one thing that I do keep saying again and again is that we have met some amazing people during this process. Some of our vendors have just been so gracious and fun!
17 days and counting!